Up to BGN 36 million is provided by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works through the Recovery and Resilience Plan to increase energy efficiency in BAS buildings

Up to BGN 36 million is provided by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works through the Recovery

03 Oct 2022 | 17:45

The funds will be applied for entirely online

The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences will be able to apply for energy efficiency improvements in its public buildings. For this purpose 36 million BGN are provided by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works through the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

The Directorate General for Strategic Planning and Regional Development Programmes in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, designated as the Monitoring and Reporting Structure (MRS) for the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism (RRM) funds, has published the Guidelines for the application procedure “Increasing Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences”.

The main requirement for the projects is to achieve at least 30% savings in primary energy consumption for each site after renovation. The aim is to reach energy consumption class ‘A’ - i.e. buildings with close to zero net energy consumption. Exceptionally, it is allowed to achieve class ‘B’ for buildings of immovable cultural property. The programme will also finance structural restoration/reinforcement of buildings, construction or replacement of lightning conductors and earthing installations, fire safety, repair or replacement of roofs, downpipes, provision of an accessible architectural environment, etc.

In addition to the overall construction and installation works necessary for the implementation of the measures, the costs for the energy efficiency audit and technical passport of the buildings will be covered, as well as for the preparation of investment design and assessment, author’s and construction supervision, etc.

BAS will be able to enter into contracts with contractors applying the Public Procurement Act or relevant regulations.

The application deadlines for the procedure are: 15.02.2023 and 15.04.2023.

The application process is entirely electronic, with proposals submitted through the RRM (Information System for Management and Monitoring 2020), National Recovery and Resilience Plan section, at the following web address: https://eumis2020.government.bg/bg/s/800c457d-e8be-4421-8ed9-9e78d0a75c39/Procedure/Active.

The application guidelines and the package of documents are published in the RRM Information System: https://eumis2020.government.bg/ in the menu Electronic application, section Grant procedures - National Recovery and Resilience Plan - Procedure “BG-RRP-4.022 “Increasing energy efficiency in public buildings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences” and on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works - http://www.mrrb.bg/.

The submission of investment implementation proposals under this procedure shall be carried out entirely electronically, by filling in a web-based application form and submitting supporting documents through the Recovery and Resilience Facility Information System, and investment implementation proposals shall be submitted to the following web address: https://eumis2020.government.bg/bg/s/800c457d-e8be-4421-8ed9-9e78d0a75c39/Procedure/Active.

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works