The public opening of the offers for construction of an access road to the cross border checkpoint Rudozem was held at the Road Executive Agency

The public opening of the offers for construction of an access road to the cross border checkpoint Rudozem was

04 Nov 2007 | 23:15
The public opening of the offers for construction of an access road to the cross border checkpoint Rudozem was held at the Road Executive Agency. There are 14 total candidates for Contractor of the project. The project is a part of PHARE – CBC – Cross Border Cooperation – with the Republic of Greece, as it is funded by the PHARE grant and the national budget. The goal of the project is to facilitate and enhance the development of economic and trade cooperation between the two neighbouring countries. The project is comprised of new construction of an access road to the new cross border checkpoint Rudozem between Bulgaria and Greece. The new road is an extension of the existing road II-86 Rudozem – Chepintzi - Ksanti. The road section, which has been approved for that project, starts at the end of the town of Rudozem, at km 125+000 and ends at 134V867.26, as it is approximately 10 кm long. The road will be designed for speed of 60 km/h, it will be 7,5/10,50 m wide, and its road surface will be in compliance with the requirements of the expected traffic. A lot of crossroads, building equipment and culverts will be erected. The road component also includes construction works related to drainage, road marking, new road signs, protective fences and crash barriers, pavements and planting. The procedures for selection of Contractor and Supervisor are expected to be completed by autumn this year. The term envisaged for execution of construction works is: 24 months – construction, 12 months – warranty period, 5 months – the period for the last installment payment. The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and the Road Executive Agency also successfully implement other projects under PHARE – CBC – Cross Border Cooperation – with the Republic of Greece. The initiative is the result from the strategy of the European Union to assist the candidate countries for membership in the process of their preparation for EU integration. PR and International Relations Directorate
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works