The project of the INTERACT IV Program has been approved

The project of the INTERACT IV Program has been approved

06 Apr 2022 | 15:07

The Council of Ministers approved the draft of the INTERACT IV Program for Interregional Cooperation. This is the last step before submitting for approval to the European Commission. The total budget of the program for the period 2021-2027 amounts to EUR 56.25 million. 80% of the funds are from the European Regional Development Fund, and the rest are provided by the countries as national co-financing. Nearly 180 thousand euros is the national contribution that Bulgaria must provide.

The INTERACT IV program covers all 27 Member States of the European Union, as well as Norway and Switzerland as partner countries. It is aimed at supporting good governance and the implementation of all territorial cooperation programs. In the new programming period as well, it aims to increase the effectiveness of cohesion policy by promoting the exchange of experience, applying innovative approaches and building institutional capacity. The activities of the program are implemented within the framework of the single priority "Provision of services". Activities related to the identification and transfer of both innovative approaches and good practices of cooperation are envisaged. INTERACT IV will continue to support the established cooperation networks, providing services to INTERREG program structures, national and regional stakeholders, and a wide range of EU stakeholders, such as European institutions and funding programs.

The Directorate for Territorial Cooperation Management at the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works will continue to act as a National Authority for the program.

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works