The new initiative of the European Union "External Borders" is starting and the implementation of the two new Neighbourhood Programmes - between Bulgaria and FYROM and between Bulgaria and Serbia and Montenegro - will be launched within its framework
The new initiative of the European Union "External Borders" is starting and the implementation of the two new
By Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works
04 Nov 2007 | 23:15
The new initiative of the European Union "External Borders" is starting and the implementation of the two new Neighbourhood Programmes - between Bulgaria and FYROM and between Bulgaria and Serbia and Montenegro - will be launched within its framework, announced Minister Valentin Cerovski after his meeting with Mr. Francois Begeot, Head of the Team for Bulgaria Cross-border Cooperation /CBC/, in the Enlargement Directorate of the European Commission. As a matter of fact, this "closes" all Bulgarian borders with cross-border cooperation programmes, underlined Minister Cerovski. Phare CBC Bulgaria - FYROM Programme allots Euro 9 mil. for the period 2004 -2006, and Phare CBC Bulgaria - Serbia and Montenegro Programme - Euro 13 mil. Phare CBC Bulgaria - FYROM Programme envisages cooperation with 23 municipalities in Kjustendil and Blagoevgrad District, and Phare CBC Bulgaria - Serbia and Montenegro Programme - with 41 municipalities from Vidin, Montana, Pernik, Kjustendil and a part of Sofia District.
Joint programme documents, which define the main fields of cooperation under those programmes, will have been drawn up by the end of May, and the draft proposals for 2004 - by the end of July, added Minister Cerovski.
The new neighbourhood policy of the European Commission aims at creating prosperity and friendship zones, said Mr. Francois Begeot. He also emphasized that an integrated programme document will be drawn up during the first phase of the 2004-2006 programme implementation in order to assist the funding after the year 2006. Bulgaria has a good practice in drawing up such programme documents, because Bulgaria has developed them for the cross-border cooperation with Greece, Romania and Turkey, underlined Mr. Begeot.
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