The new cross-border co-operation program provides 34m euros for joint projects between Bulgaria and Turkey

The new cross-border co-operation program provides 34m euros for joint projects between Bulgaria and Turkey

14 Jan 2022 | 17:10

Deputy Prime Minister Grozdan Karadjov and HE Eileen Sekizkök discussed improving transport connectivity at the border

34,415,250 euros is expected to be the budget of the new Programme for cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Turkey for the period 2021-2027. Its preparation was discussed during a meeting between Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Regional Development and Public Works - Grozdan Karadjov and HE Eileen Sekizkök , Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Bulgaria. The three axes of the programme will finance projects to promote energy efficiency and the transition to a circular economy, as well as those that contribute to the overall development of the territories according to the needs of local communities. A total of 86 proposals were received - 25 from the Turkish side and 61 from the Bulgarian side. The programme is expected to be finally approved by the end of March.

Deputy Prime Minister Karadjov stressed that promoting territorial co-operation is a priority, as it is a tool for achieving economic, social and cultural cohesion and improving the lives of people in the border areas of the two countries. For hers part, HE Eileen Sekizkök expressed satisfaction with the joint work on cross-border programs so far and stressed that she hopes that the good results of these projects will continue in the next programming period.

At the meeting, the Deputy Prime Minister Grozdan Karadjov and HE Eileen Sekizkök also discussed the issues of improving transport connectivity between the two countries, the functioning of the toll system and its use by Turkish carriers passing through Bulgarian territory, as well as opportunities for Turkish companies to participate in public procurement for major infrastructure projects in Bulgaria.

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works