The MRDPW will continue to partner with the World Bank

The MRDPW will continue to partner with the World Bank

03 Jul 2023 | 17:38

Minister Tsekov met with the World Bank’s Resident Representative in Bulgaria Lasse Melgaard

The opportunities for the development of a new strategy for the development of the road infrastructure in the country in partnership with the World Bank were discussed by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Andrey Tsekov at a meeting with the Bank’s permanent representative in Bulgaria Lasse Melgaard.

“My first step, as a minister here, is to create such a strategy, with clear goals, so that the projects our country needs to increase transport connectivity are implemented,” the minister stressed and gave the example of the need to build the road sections Vidin - Kulata, Ruse - Makaza, the Black Sea Motorway - strategically important for our country. In his words, the construction of large infrastructure projects is important for the development of the country and increasing the competitiveness of all sectors of the economy.

“The World Bank is an important partner for Bulgaria and we highly appreciate its support so far,” Minister Tsekov stressed and pointed out that the MRDPW and the Bank have a long-standing cooperation on a number of road, housing and Water and Sewage infrastructure projects.

In the course of the discussion, Lasse Melgaard, on his part, underlined the Bank’s willingness to continue the partnership with the Regional Ministry.

They agreed that this cooperation needs to be strengthened and expanded - including in the area of administrative capacity building.

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works