The Implementation of the Project for Liquidation of the Consequences of Uranium Production in South Bulgaria has been finalized

The Implementation of the Project for Liquidation of the Consequences of Uranium Production in South Bulgaria

04 Nov 2007 | 23:15
The results of the implementation of a project for liquidation of the consequences of uranium production in South Bulgaria will be presented tomorrow in the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works on a working meeting between the project contractors and experts from Phare Implementing Agency. The total amount of the project is about EUR 565 000 of which over 395 000 EUR have been provided by the European Union to Phare – Cross-border cooperation. In the framework of the project have been made researches and examinations of the hydro-ecological and radiological status of the sites before, during and after ceasing the mining works. During the implementation of the project have been registered the negative processes causing effect on the environment pollution in the border area with Greece. The collected information is necessary for the control of the radiological pollution on the environment and for assessment of the risk of cross-border transition of hard and liquid foul agents and substances. The point is to be assessed the effectiveness of the technical liquidation and biological recultivation of the affected areas and to be supported the Bulgarian institutions with the implementation of the European legislation in the sphere of environment. During the working meeting will be introduced a program for liquidation of the consequences of the former uranium production sites. A financial analysis and a package of tender documents for overcoming the negative consequences of three priority projects in the area of Eleshnitsa village and the town of Dospat have been made. The project has been carried out for 18 months. Public Relations and International Activities Directorate
Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works