Raising the toll fees has been delayed

Raising the toll fees has been delayed

29 Dec 2022 | 16:07

The Council of Ministers has adopted a Decree amending the Tariff on fees to be charged for the passage and use of the national road network, which was adopted by Council of Ministers Decree No 370 of 2019.

The adopted amendments postpone the planned increase in the toll fees from 1 January 2023 and propose to raise them at a later stage - from 1 July 2023.

The proposal for the reduction of vignette fees remains unchanged and from 1 January 2023 they will be about 10 percent lower than the current fees.

The purpose of delaying the entry into force of toll fee increases is to help ease some of the burden on businesses in a high inflation environment, as well as to give companies more time to adjust to rising costs. This could help support the overall economy and promote stability during a difficult economic situation.

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works