Operational Programme “Regional Development” 2007-2013 (OPRD) aims at practical implementation of Priority 4 of the National Strategic Reference Framework – “Balanced Territorial Development” and outlines the main areas for which Bulgaria is to receive funding by the European Regional Development Fund.
Generally the programme aims at improvement of the social-economic environment in the 6 regions at NUTS 2 level, i.e. surmounting their underdevelopment in comparison with EU regions on one hand, and limiting intra-regional disparities on the other.
For this purpose the operational programme includes a broad set of measures, from infrastructure to preservation of the cultural heritage, that recognize general tendencies as well as specificity of different city areas. Support is to be provided to projects of major urban centers with potential for economic growth and social inclusion, and to their neighboring and peripheral areas that lag behind in the overall development of the region. Cooperation between different municipalities is of importance as it will guarantee integrated and sustainable development.
The priorirties, which will be financed under the programme, are Stable and Integrated urban development, Regional and Local Access, Stable development of tourism and Local development and cooperation.