ESPON 2030 Cooperation Programme
ESPON 2030 is a European cooperation programme that supports with scientific data and research the European Cohesion Policy and other sectoral policies, the programmes implemented through the European Structural and Investment Funds, as well as national and regional development policies.
The main tasks of the ESPON 2030 programme are overcoming economic, social and territorial differences and inequalities and improving the effectiveness of the European Cohesion Policy by providing comparable, systematic and reliable data in the form of reports, territorial monitoring tools and other specialized studies.
The territorial scope of the programme covers all member states of the European Union, as well as the partner countries Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein.
The total budget of the programme is EUR 60 million, of which EUR 48 million is provided by the European Union.
The programme will be implemented through one priority "Promoting evidence in support of the transition to a climate-neutral, fair and territorially balanced Europe".
More information can be found on the official website of the Programme.