First invitation for collecting project proposals on Joint operational program “Black sea basin” 2014-2020

First invitation for collecting project proposals on Joint operational program “Black sea basin” 2014-2020

30 Jan 2017 | 15:53

On 31st of January 2017, thhe first invitation for the project proposals on the Joint operational program for cross-border cooperation on the European instrument for neighborhood “Black sea basin” 2014-2020 was started.The dead line is 31st of May 2017.

Project proposals should meet the following specific goals and priority axes of the program:

Specific goal 1: Encouraging business and entrepreneurship in the frame of Black sea basin.

Priority1.1: “Encouraging together business and entrepreneurship in the field of tourism and culture”

Priority1.2: “Increasing cross-border opportunities for trade and modernized agriculture.

Specific goal 2: Encouraging coordination of environmental protection and actions for decreasing the waste in the Black sea waters.

Priority 2.1:”Improving the environmental monitoring”

Priority 2.2:”Increasing the awareness and making decisions to decrease the river and sea waste.

The total amount of funds provided by the European instrument for neighborhood in the first invitation for project proposals is 19 655 625.60 euros.

The grant awarded on the European instrument for neighborhood will amount to 92% of the total eligible project costs. The Bulgarian partners will receive up to 8% national co-financing from the prescribed budget in the projects, which they participate in, from the budget of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.

The project’s budget should be consistent with the minimum and maximum parameters of the correspondent priority: 


Minimum size

Maximum size

Priority1.1 “Joint promotion  of business and entrepreneurship in the field of tourism and culture"

500 000

1 500 000

Priority 1.2 "Increasing cross-border trade opportunities and modernization of agriculture and related sectors"

300 000

700 000

Priority 2.1 "Improving the Joint Monitoring on Environment preservation"

500 000

1 000 000

Priority 2.2 "Raising awareness and collaborative action to reduce river and sea waste"

300 000

1 000 000



Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works