Demonstration project for renovation of multi-family buildings (2007-2011)

The Demonstration renovation of multi-family residential buildings project is a collaborative initiative of the Ministry of Regional Development of Public Works (MRDPW) and UN Development Programme (UNDP) which started in 2007.

  • The project aims to elaborate widely applicable scheme for renovation of multi-family buildings, consisting of three main components: targeted to subsidies for condominium ownership and for the purpose of the renovation;
  • Facilitated credit obtaining;
  • Technical support for voluntary association of condominium owners in whole building units aimed at organizing the renovation process.

The project has to contribute to achieving multilateral "development factors" with regard to:

  • Prevention of social exclusion as improving the health and living conditions of the target group of population by renovating housing;
  • Protection of the environment by reduction of green gas emissions through energy efficiency;
  • Promoting good governance through the construction of urban social capital by support for voluntary association of citizens.

The experience gained, the lessons learned and references developed under the Project have been used for the implementation of the Energy Efficiency of Multi-Family Residential Buildings National Programme funded by the national budget, as well as the Energy Renovation of Bulgarian Homes project funded by the Regional Development Operational Programme (European structural funds).

Overcome Barriers

Lack of traditions in the collaborative management of the common ownership through owners’ associations while renovation with the necessary range requires the involvement of all inhabitants as a common body;

  • The professional management of residential buildings is almost unknown practice, but renovation requires technically complex measures, applying technical rates and achieving a high standard
  • Impoverishment of the population during the transition years and respectively the impossibility to finance the renovation of predominantly private owned residential stock, in a combination with the lack of supporting financial mechanisms (preferential loans and subsidies).


  • Renovated – multi-family residential buildings – 50
  • Favoured households – 1093;
  • Expected energy savings per year - 8 488 575 kWh (40-60%);
  • Expected savings of CO2 emissions (per year) - 6 672 tonnes;

The model for voluntary association of condominium owners for the purposes of renovation and future maintenance and management of common areas has been tested;

A mechanism for technical and financial support has been tried;

A technical model for renovation of an entire multi-family residential building has been tested;

A model that has been tried is for the preparation and implementation of Renovation Programmes of small range;  

Change of attitudes and overcoming skepticism;

A model for complex energy renovation of residential buildings by introducing renewable energy sources  has been tried on three buildings in Sofia.