8.5 million euro will support the development of tourism in Bulgaria and Serbia

8.5 million euro will support the development of tourism in Bulgaria and Serbia

16 Jun 2023 | 17:03

The reception of concepts for the Territorial Strategy of the CBC Programme with our Western Neighbour has started


Concepts for tourism development under the Territorial Strategy of the Bulgaria-Serbia Cross-border Programme 2021-2027 are adopted. Investments should be aimed at improving regional competitiveness in tourism. The open call is worth EUR 8.5 million and the deadline for submitting documents is 15 August this year.

Eligible activities include the development of new integrated regional tourism products and the restoration of natural and cultural tourist sites. Support will also be given to the improvement of cycling and road infrastructure between sites, the implementation of effective tourism marketing and the training of staff involved in the management of tourist attractions.

Participants in projects can be local/regional authorities and bodies, public or non-governmental organisations, academic, research, training, educational, social and cultural institutions, regional and sectoral development agencies and business support organisations. They all need to be registered and have worked in the programme area for at least 3 years.

An information campaign will take place in both countries. The dates and locations of the events will be published on the programme website, where the application documents are also published.

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works